Why Should You Market on Facebook?

Why Should You Market on Facebook?

Why Should You Market On Facebook? Since you are reading this post, I’m going to take a wild guess that you recognize that it’s important that you market your business on Facebook. But do you know just HOW important it is? You’re not going to believe these statistics!...
What Are Your Business Goals?

What Are Your Business Goals?

What Are Your Business Goals? Before we jump into Facebook marketing, I want to take a moment to better understand exactly what you want to get out of it. Why do you want to be on Facebook? Yeah I know, I know, you want to grow your business. But what are your...
Let’s Get Going Online!

Let’s Get Going Online!

Let’s Get Going Online! Over the past few days, we’ve been talking a lot about how important it is for your business to be active on Facebook. Today we are actually going to get you on there 🙂 Facebook might seem overwhelming, but it’s actually pretty simple. ...